Fun For Get Smart Fans!
Yes, Virginia, there is a Get Smart mailing list! It's great and easy to join. The mailing list is really a whole lot of fun. I've pretty much been on it since the beginning of time. I cannot rightly give a breakdown of how many messages are posted in a day because this fluctuates. The list has members from all over the world, although most of us are Aussies and Yankees. You can join by going here: http://www.wouldyoubelieve.com PLEASE read the list guidelines at Carl's Site (it's his list after all) BEFORE you join! Reading the rules is of the utmost importance!
What's a SMRN? Way back in October of 1996, the mighty David Black
founded the first GS mailing list. [get-smart@smrn.com] which was subsequently touted
by Carl Birkmeyer. The list started out with just a few Americans,
Canadians, and Aussies. As time wore on, the SMRN list grew and became the
victim of spammers. In early spring of 1999 the GS Mailing
list was moved over to Listbot and in July of 2001 it was moved again to
Yahoo! Groups. The SMRN was not to be forgotten in this switch-over haze. There were those dissidents that stood by their list and remained. There were also the few, but proud, that forgot how to unsubscribe. At any rate, power of this list was seized by El Presidente and has remained that way since. Presently, the SMRN doesn't even get any spam. I don't even know if the darn thing works anymore and stuck this in here for kicks. If you'd like to join and risk getting us on an actual thread, then follow these instructions: To Subscribe: Send an email to: get-smart-request@smrn.com In the message field, write "subscribe" (do leave off the quotation marks) and leave the subject line empty. Confirmation that you have subscribe will be emailed automatically. To send a message, use this address get-smart@smrn.com (not the address above). If you're one of the lost souls that is still on the SMRN and you want to unsubscribe (and heavens to Betsy, Why, gosh-darn-it?) Follow these highly sensitive instructions to the hilt: To Unsubscribe: Send an email to: get-smart-request@smrn.com This time, put the word "unsubscribe" (again without quotes) as the subject text.
If you hunt for them, there are various Facebook groups dedicated to spies as well as Get Smart. They do tend to vary in terms of their activity. COPYRIGHT © 1999-2023 BY AMANDA HAVERSTICK. |